Mindfully Managing Your Kids and Your Life

by admin on November 11, 2010

How’s that conscious parenting going?  You know, the parenting that comes from the heart, and is guided by a mind that is focused on what’s most important in this moment. 

The world is swirling around you.  Demands for your time and energy are flying in from all over the place.  You’re struggling to keep juggling.  And all you must do is remember this: Be Here Now.

Be fully present to whatever your gut tells you is the most important thing – in this moment.  It’s all any of us can do: do your best in the present moment.  Be fully present. 

If it’s your work, then fully engage in your work.  If it’s your health that needs attention right now, then fully engage in your health.  If it’s your child’s homework or hurt feelings or hunger, then fully engage in meeting your child’s needs. 

Do not waste time and energy on feelings of doubt or worry or guilt or inadequacy.  And don’t splinter your energies into mindless multitasking.  Be Here Now.

And remember these three keys to conscious parenting, so that both you and your children can thrive no matter the adversity or challenges your facing.

1. Awareness – Take a deep breath.  Zoom out and look at the big picture.  Pay attention to what’s going on in your child’s world right now.  Why is your child behaving that way?  What is he feeling?  What is he trying to accomplish?  What does he need?

And what is your current capacity to meet that need?  Where are your strengths right now?  What about your needs?  Be honest.  Be aware.  And be open to…

2. Acceptance – Take a deep breath.  Zoom in on your child’s top priority right now.  What does your child need to learn here?  What does she need to be nourished and to grow? It may not always be what the child wants, or make the child happy right away. 

Accept your responsibility as a parent to make the tough choices, coming from a place of love and compassion.  Accept your limitations, too, and forgive yourself for not being perfect.  Embrace your commitment to keep on giving your child, and yourself, the loving nurturance you both deserve. 

Surrender any preconceived notions of “have to’s” and replace them with grateful “get to’s”.  You have an opportunity for grace here – in every challenging moment with your child.  These moments won’t exist again.  Enjoy them now.  And step into them with…

3. Aligned Action – Take a deep breath, and remember to ask yourself “What Would Love Do (WWLD)?”  Love would be truthful and honest, empathic and comforting, firm and fair.  Take action that your heart knows to be true.  Follow through with what you believe to be “just right” for your child in this moment – not too soft, not too hard.  Just right. 

Conscious parenting?  Don’t be mindless or careless.  Don’t be agonizing and analytical.  Just be present.  Be here now.  Aware.  Accepting.  And Acting – aligned with the divine within.

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