A Parent’s Serenity Prayer

by admin on January 29, 2010

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Serenity… May I find the peace of mind to know I’ve done the best I could, and that is enough. To know that I’ve loved each of my children with all my heart, sought what was best for each with pure intentions, and made decisions with a clear mind and caring spirit.

May I accept that I cannot control them, but only guide them.  I cannot decide for them, but only with them.  May I accept who they are becoming with an open heart, open mind, and always open arms.  And may they accept me for who I am, the principles I’ve stood for, the values I’ve sought to impart – even as they shape their own destinies.

Courage… May I feel the loving grace of God within me, bringing me peace as I face the stress and strain of daily life.  And may that loving light shine through me, offering a beacon of hope to my children during their times of struggle.  After hardships, may we experience the healing touch of forgiveness, and the cleansing joy of laughter.

May I not dwell on the past with regrets, but be fully present and open to the gifts of today.  Help me to face life’s challenges head-on with honesty, integrity, and humility.   And may I find the strength to always act according to my convictions, so my children will know how to face the winds of adversity.

Wisdom… May I know when to push and when to let go.  When to be firm, and when to set them free.  May I genuinely seek first to understand, then to be understood.  May I enjoy the blessings of a well-tuned ear, an open yet discerning mind, and the ability to speak my truth both directly and compassionately.

May each of these gifts bring the blessings of respect, resilience, and rejoicing to my family – and to all the families I may meet along the way.

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